Saturday 26 December 2015

improving my embroidery skills

These are basic embroidery pieces that I did during the Christmas holidays. These could have been done better if added more detail and with the fabric dyed. more embellishment could have also given it texture and more detail.

Despite having made an action plan of the things that I have to do every week, starting the module is somehow difficult because of  college unavailable to use during the holidays. Also, I still feel very unclear about what I would like to specialize in. 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

The Textiles Industry

These are videos of artists and designers  working in the textiles industry. Insights and tips are given so please check them out. 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

changing my concept board for the second time!

Now that Learning Agreements have been submitted, I am now moving on to composing my concept board which I have now changed for the second time. Not being able to easily find inspiration and research to support my concept, I struggled in putting together my concept board to give my tutors a better understanding and view of what I am wanting to do for my final major project.

Thursday 10 December 2015

minor project finally over.

During my long stay in the Philippines, I had doubts about going back in the UK and finishing my final year. Being away from your homeland is never an easy feeling despite living here in UK in the past 8 years. It is hard not compare and miss the things I grew up with especially my hometown, friends and close relatives. Third year, being the final year and the only chance for us to completely decide and do whatever we would like to do, I came to realize that maybe doing my project based on my homeland would be a good idea. 

Minor project did not start and end very well for me. I felt like the research and photographs that I took were not sufficient enough in order to produce huge amounts of work most especially during the drawing module. Drawing is one of my weak points, despite trying to do better every day to improve my drawing skills, I still consider it as my weaker point.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Exotic Plants and Orchid Show, Philippines

These are photographs of plants and flowers that i took during my visit in the Philippines last June. During this time was also the city's preparation for the big festival that my city celebrates each year, the Kadayawan Festival.  These are plants and foliage that are hard to find or do not exist in cold countries such as the UK and so I took the opportunity to take as much photographs as I could during the exhibition. 


Kadayawan Festival is an annual celebration in the City of Davao during the third (3rd) week of August. It is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living. It also focuses on the multicolored mix of Davao and Mindanao’s indigenous communities as well as migrant settlers, whose identities make up the rich cultural heritage of this island.

Today, Kadayawan has transformed into a festival of festivals, with a number of spin-off festivals in the region. The festival honors Davao’s artistic, cultural and historical heritage, its past personified by the ancestral Lumad people, its people as they celebrate on the streets, and its floral industry as its representatives parade in full regalia in thanksgiving for the blessings granted on the city. A celebration that interfaces the three aspects: tribal; industrial and; arts and entertainment. The festivities are highlighted with floral floats, street-dancing competitions and exhibits that showcases the island's tourism products and services.

Kadayawan sa Dabaw (3rd week of August) is an enriching experience that explores the past, present and future of DavaoeƱos, Mindanaoans, and Filipinos. Its sights and sounds remain unparalleled. The Kadayawan is a celebration of thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of the harvest and the serenity of living. The festival pays tribute to Davao’s artistic, cultural and historical heritage. Exciting events include the search for the “Hiyas sa Kadayawan,” the festival symbol who will epitomize the beauty and richness of Mindanawon fashion and floral arts. Festival highlights include a river festival, an indigenous music exhibition, dance competitions, a trade fair, food and music parties, street dancing and a floral float parade. 

Kadayawan Festival  is an annual celebration in the City of Davao during the third (3rd) week of August. It is a celebration of life, a thanksgiving for the gifts of nature, the wealth of culture, the bounties of harvest and serenity of living. It also focuses on the multicolored mix of Davao and Mindanao’s indigenous communities as well as migrant settlers, whose identities make up the rich cultural heritage of this island.